Sunday, March 30, 2008

The other side of Depression - 1

We know of depression only as ailment that brings unseen and inexplicable mental trauma into one's life. But Cheers!Mental health professionals now say that it has its own positive traits. Some say it has its existence since stone age.It has a purpose therefore it has survived these many years. 'There is life after depression' declare the experts. Many people found to have made great strides in their lives after recovering from it.It motivated so many so much that they started doing social service with more empathetic approach to serve those silent sufferers.It made people stronger and stronger with each bout of suffering. All of world's greatest artistic pursuits have an element of insanity or depression that motivated the artists.There is a view in professional circles that depression shows its presence at one or the other stage of any creative process.So, got depressed? Three Cheers!!!

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